How To Find A Best Implants Dentist in India?

Upper Arch Rehabilitation

Dental Implants are nowadays becoming increasingly popular over false teeth like denture, crowns, and bridges. The reason is that a tooth implant is a permanent solution to one or more missing teeth.

But what are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the metal frames or posts that are implanted surgically in the jawbones. Once the implants are fixed in the jawbone then artificial teeth are mounted on the metal frames.

What’s the purpose of Dental Implants?

Earlier, false teeth like bridges, crowns and dentures were used as a replacement for missing teeth. But using false teeth can be really uncomfortable. False teeth are not attached to the jawbones. Since false teeth are not fixed they tend to lose while speaking or chewing food. Therefore, in present-day dental implants are used as a replacement for missing teeth instead of false teeth. Since dental implants are fixed into the jawbones they provide stability to artificial teeth.

What are the advantages of Dental Implants?

There are two major advantages of getting dental implants. Firstly, leaving the space of missing tooth empty can cause jawbone deterioration. Dental implants protect the loss of jawbone and also prevent teeth from shifting. Secondly, getting dental implants can improve your appearance. They look like natural teeth and are easy to maintain. You just need to maintain good oral hygiene. Moreover, dental implants are designed to last longer.

What are the types of Dental Implants?

Endosteal and Subperiosteal are two types of dental implants. Endosteal implants have a small screw-like shape and are made of titanium. These dental implants are implanted beneath the gums. The subperiosteal implants are implanted above the jawbone. These implants are used for patients with less healthy gums.

Risk-Free Procedures

There are different kinds of procedure to perform a dental implant. The common procedures include bone augmentation, sinus lift, and ridge expansion. The other techniques used for dental implants are 3D imaging, immediate load dental implants, mini dental implants, and all-on-4 dental implants.

Dental implants do not have any risks. All of these procedures are pain-free and risk-free.

Where to find the best Dental Implant dentist in India?

Nowadays there are a lot of dental clinics in India. Certified dental clinics across the country have made it possible to find an experienced dentist in India. So, if you are looking for the best dentist in Delhi or even in any other city then you can easily find one. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry has one of the finest dentists in India.

Enhance Your SMILE Instantly with Dental Veneers

Smile Makeover with Dental Veneers

If you want to get an instant smile makeover then you can opt for dental veneers. However, very few people know about this procedure.

Here’s what you need to learn about dental veneers.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers refer to the shells or covers that are customized to fit the patient’s teeth. The shells cover the front surface of teeth so as to improve their appearance by preventing them from stains. Dental veneers can be used as is a placement for dental crowns. The treatment is permanent and can enhance your smile instantly. The dental veneers are made from small pieces of porcelain. Therefore, they are also called porcelain veneers.

The purpose and advantages of Porcelain Veneers

The purpose of dental veneers is to straighten teeth by hiding masking irregularities of teeth, to repair chipped or broken teeth, to close the gap between teeth, to hide stains and to improve the alignment of teeth. However, dental veneers cannot be used for replacing missing teeth or to treat crooked teeth.

The porcelain veneers are durable therefore they last for long. They are hard to get stained and have a natural-looking appearance. The porcelain veneers are wear-resistant therefore they can easily last between 10 to 20 years. They require less follow up procedures.

The disadvantages and maintenance of Dental Veneers

Since some of the enamel has been removed; the patient may experience discomfort or sensitivity for a few days. If the procedure is done carefully and the bonding is weak then the veneer may start to chip off. In addition to this, getting veneers do not eliminate the risk of developing cavities. If the patient does not maintain good oral hygiene then he/she can still develop cavities with dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers do not require special cleaning. It is easy to maintain porcelain veneers with good oral hygiene. The patient needs to brush and floss his/her teeth regularly. It is best to use non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste. In addition to this, the patient should take precaution and avoid biting nails and chewing hard objects like pen, pencil, and ice etc. It’s because the veneers can tend to break or chip off under pressure.

The procedure for Porcelain Veneers

The dentist first removes a small amount of enamel to reshape teeth. After this, the dentist sends an impression of teeth to the lab. The impression is used to customize shell for teeth. Once the shell is ready, the dentist will place it on the teeth and bond it to teeth.

How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces?

Cost of Clear Aligners

In present times, dentistry has made it possible for anyone to get a smile makeover. We all have different kinds of dental issues – crooked tooth, misaligned tooth, chipped a tooth, fractured tooth, knocked-out-tooth, missing tooth, and pigmented tooth etc.  This different kind of dental issues requires different kinds of procedures to transform your smile. Cosmetic dentistry provides a solution to all kinds of dental issues.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is an umbrella term used for various types of dental treatments that provide professional oral care. The cosmetic procedures include braces, dental veneers, dental implants, cosmetic bonding, teeth whitening and cosmetic contouring etc. These procedures are used by the dentists to treat gums disease and to straighten misaligned teeth.

Following procedures are used to straighten teeth without braces:

Dental Veneers (also called porcelain veneers) are customized shells that are designed to cover the surface of teeth. The procedure requires removing enamel so that the veneers can be placed on the teeth. The purpose of veneers is to hide stains and irregularities of teeth, to cover chipped or misshaped teeth, to improve the appearance of teeth by making them look straight and aligned.

Cosmetic bonding is a temporary procedure that uses a putty-like substance called composite resin to mask the imperfections of teeth. The resin is bonded to the tooth to make your smile more appealing. The dentist matches the resin to the color of your tooth. After this, the resin is prepared and applied on the tooth. The resin is then polished and hardened using laser or UV light to achieve desired results. This procedure is used to treat chipped, decayed, fractured and pigmented tooth. In some cases, it is also used to fill the gaps between teeth and to protect an exposed root of a tooth due to receding gums.

Cosmetic contouring or enameloplasty is a procedure used to reshape teeth by eliminating minor imperfections. The procedure requires gentle removal of your tooth’s enamel. The dentist uses lasers and drills to change the length and shape of the tooth. After reshaping or contouring the tooth, the dentist will polish it to make your smile more pleasant. This painless procedure is permanent and gives instant results. This procedure works wonders for those who have a good smile but wish to get there shorter or make them appear even. However, if you have chipped, crooked or misaligned teeth then you’ll have to opt for other dental procedures like veneers, braces, and bonding.

Clear aligners or Invisalign are the kind of braces that are designed to be invisible. These braces are made of polyurethane plastic. If you have minor orthodontic problems, then clear aligners can be used as a replacement for traditional metal braces.

Dental Implants: Myths & Facts

Nobel Biocare Dental Implants

Dental Implants are great options for people who have one or more missing teeth. Getting dental implants can improve your chewing and speech function. However, people are afraid of getting a tooth implant due to certain myths. It’s because people are not aware of the facts associated with dental implants.

Here are some facts that debunking the myths associated with tooth implant:

Myth: Getting dental implants is painful.

Fact: While performing the surgery your doctor will give you anesthesia to numb your teeth and gums. Dental implants are not as painful as you may think despite the fact that it is a surgical procedure. However, you’ll feel a slight pressure at the site of the procedure but not pain.

Myth: Dental implants are extremely expensive.

Fact: You may feel that false teeth are better than a dental implant. But not getting dental implants can cause more damage. So, it’s actually a one-time investment that will save you from paying for other dental problems.

Myth: Tooth implant comes with long-term risks.

Fact: The procedure requires surgery. This means you may have to face minor risks like swollen gums, infection at surgical site etc. But this will happen only if you don’t take antibiotics or other medicines prescribed by your dentist. The whole purpose of those post-treatment medications is to prevent infections. So, yes there are minor risks involved but they are not long term.

Myth: Dental implants surgery takes a long time to heal.

Fact: No. Dental implants surgery does not take a long time to heal, especially with the medicines prescribed by your dentist. The general time frame for recovery is up to 6 months depending on the patient to patient. But if you take your medicines regularly and follow a good oral hygiene routine then you may heal in less than 6 months.

Myth: Tooth implant is prone to failure.

Fact: The rate of dental implant failure is very low. Dental implants are made from biocompatible titanium which means your body will not reject them. Dental implants are safe. The only way your surgery may fail is if you visit an unprofessional for your treatment.

Myth: Dental implants require special care and maintenance.

Fact: Dental implants do not require special cleaning and maintenance. You simply need to maintain good oral hygiene. You can treat your dental implant like natural teeth. Simply brushing and flossing your teeth will keep them clean.

Myth: Dental implants are visible.

Fact: Dental implants look like natural teeth. This means your dental implant will not stand as an odd one out amongst your natural teeth. No one will notice your tooth implant unless you tell someone about it.

Oral Cancer and Its Treatment in India

Oral Cancer Detection Medicine

There was a time when India had a negligible number of treatment centers for oral cancer. At present time, India has a lot of treatment centers for oral cancer. Most of the treatment centers have advanced machines. The advanced equipment has made oral cancer detection possible at an early stage.

What is Oral Cancer and what are its types?

Oral cancer or mouth cancer refers to cancer caused in the mouth. Oral cancer can occur on the roof and floor of the mouth, tongue, lips, and gums, and inside lining of the cheeks. Mouth cancer comes under the category of head and neck cancers. Types of oral cancer include buccal mucosa cancer (cancer affecting the inside of the cheeks), lip cancer, tongue cancer, gum cancer, salivary gland cancer, floor of the mouth and hard palate cancer (roof of the mouth cancer).

Symptoms of oral cancer

The symptoms of cancer include loose teeth, lumps or bumps on the lining of the mouth, thickening or swelling on the lips and other areas of mouth, a sore that doesn’t heal, tongue and ear pain, pain or stiffness in jaws, sore throat, difficulty in speaking, pain while chewing and swallowing food, poorly fitting false teeth, development of red or white patched in the mouth, a feeling that something is stuck in the throat and dramatic weight loss.

Cause and risk factors

Mouth cancer occurs when there is an unusual change (mutations) in the cells of lips, gums tongue etc. These changes result into formation of cancer cells after the healthy cells are dead. Factors that promote the growth of oral cancer include tobacco, alcohol, sun exposure and a sexually transmitted virus called human papillomavirus (HPV).

How to prevent or inhibit oral cancer?

Mouth cancer cannot be prevented. However, it is possible to slow down its growth by taking certain measures. In order to inhibit the growth of oral cancer, one should stop the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in any form. One should protect the skin of lips and rest of the face from excessive sun exposure by using sunscreen. You can also wear a hat or cover your face with a cotton cloth. Make sure to eat plenty of green vegetables, fruits and drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. In addition to this, maintain appointments with your dentist. In case of any doubt, your dentist can suggest a diagnosis for oral cancer detection.

Diagnosis and Treatment                                                                               

Diagnosis of oral cancer includes tests like – biopsy, a barium swallow and meal test, mouth and throat examination, endoscopy and X-rays.

Treatment of oral cancer includes surgical and non-surgical procedures like – biological therapy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.

Why Dental Implant Bridges Better Than Dentures?

Dental Bridges

With the advancement in the usage of advanced technology in the field of dentistry, there is an increase in the evolvement of dental procedures for the welfare of smiles of patients. This has lead to introduction of different types of dental procedures. One of the in-demand dental procedures are dental implant bridges. In recent times, dental implants bridges are utilized more than the dentures due to a certain aspect of the former dental procedure. In this blog, you will find about the most appreciated benefits of the dental implant bridges over dentures.

  • Better retention: Retention of the dentures is one of the most significant issues in individuals who have missing teeth. Dental implant bridges prove to be useful in terms of retention as they are a permanent solution for missing teeth. At the time of chewing food or talking to an individual, there are high chances of full mouth or partial removable dentures to get displaced with the movement of the muscles and tongue, which is not the case with dental Implants bridges.
  • Healthy adjacent tooth: In case of dentures, adjacent tooth is affected especially in case of the partial dentures. In partial dentures, the adjacent tooth is used to take support, which may compromise it later. But in case of Implants dentures, they remain untouched.
  • Bone Preservation: Dental implants bridges prove to be helpful for the patients to make sure that bone preservation is maintained even in the absence of natural teeth. Implants bridge can be helpful in preserving the present bone in the mouth of the patient especially in case of elderly patients. Dentures do not aid in the maintenance of the preservation of bone in the patient leading to disuse atrophy
  • Aesthetics: Dental implant bridges are known as one of the best replacement for missing teeth due to their excellent aesthetic features in comparison to the traditional dentures. In case of traditional dentures, aesthetics cannot be maintained. But in case of implants bridges, maintenance of aesthetics occurs efficiently for several years after the completion of the placement of the dental bridges with implants.
  • Chewing efficiency: The Fixed teeth over dental implants have 85% more chewing efficeincy than the most well made dentures.
  • High success rate: Finally, you will be happy to know that dental bridges in India have got excellent success rates. Dental implant bridges have a higher percentage of success when compared to dentures. Even the patient satisfaction in recent times is much higher in case of dental bridges than dentures.


Thus, dental Implants bridges in India are in high demand due to their key features and benefits over other dental solutions such as dentures. If you have missing teeth, then you need to book an appointment with an experienced dentist as soon as possible and get your missing teeth treated. Prosthodontists like Dr.Puneet Kathuria have years of experience to take care of your Dental implants Bridges needs. He is available at one of the best dental implants clinic in India, Dr.Kathuria’s Dentistry. Call toll free at 1800-11-7272 for appointments.

What are “All On 4”, “All On 6” & “All On 8” Implant Systems?

Nobel Biocare Dental Implants

Dental implant procedures have evolved to a great extent since the time of its introduction in the field of dentistry. Since then, dentists and dental implant specialists are striving hard to offer patients with the best dental implant solutions to cure their dental issues with success. The demand for dental implants has boosted due to its impressive success rates and offering competitive features to the patients.


Nowadays, dental implants’ quality and types have improved and diversified based on the success rates of the dental implant procedures. Dental implants treatment concepts for full arches are now available in the form of All-On-4, All-On-6, and All-On-8 types. This depends on the kind of case of the patient who is opting for the dental implant procedure.


All on 4 dental implants: All on 4 dental implants is one of the original dental implant systems created for improving the smiles of the patients. Dr. Paulo Malo successfully performed the first case of All on 4 dental implants in the year 1998. These types of dental implants have specific characteristics which include utilization of only four implants for full arch implantation. In the case of patients which fulfill the criteria of immediate loading of implants will benefit from immediate functioning of all on 4 dental implants.


All on 6 dental implants: All on 6 dental implants offer an excellent solution to the cases of the patients where there is a loss of natural teeth. This type of dental implant procedures is best for the patients who have an entire dentition missing in their case. All on 6 dental implant procedures help patients to have a stable type as well as long term solution for traditional dentures.


All on 8 dental implants: All on 8 dental implants are one of the top dental implant procedures which ensure that missing teeth area is replaced with 8 dental implants along with prosthesis. This type of dental implants is recommended and utilized in case of patients where more than 90% of the teeth are missing or lost in a patient’s case. Here, the number of tooth units utilized is between 12 to 14. All on 8 dental implants require more amount of bone than that of the all on 4 dental implants. So, a bone graft is also necessary in most of the cases where patients are undergoing this dental implant procedure. Your dentist will make sure that your teeth surrounding bone density suffice the dental implant procedure. You need to understand that a patient who is diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes or consumes excessive tobacco on a regular basis is not recommended to opt for all on 8 dental implants.


Depending on your case, your dental implant specialist Dr. Puneet Kathuria will advise you to opt for the dental implant procedure which comprises of 4, 6 or 8 dental implants in total. The number of steps which are involved in the dental implant procedure varies with the complexity of the patient’s case. So, you need to talk to your dentist at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry and know the type of your dental implant procedure before commencing with the same.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding is one of the most commonly faced dental problems among patients across different parts of the world. You will often find individuals around you clenching their teeth knowingly or unknowingly. Grinding of teeth is also known as bruxism. Bruxism can be successfully treated if it is diagnosed quite early. In this article, you will find various aspects of teeth grinding starting from diagnosis of the teeth grinding condition to the treatment of teeth grinding.

Causes of teeth grinding:

Teeth grinding is caused because of the following factors based on the same. This is divided into awake and sleep bruxism.

Awake bruxism is mainly caused due to a range of emotions. This primarily includes stress, frustration or even excessive anger. At times, teeth grinding can also occur due to increased concentration levels in an individual.

Sleep bruxism is very common these days. It occurs at the unconscious level in an individual.

Symptoms of teeth grinding:

  • Increased sounds of teeth grinding which is audible to the nearby individual.
  • Chipped off teeth parts.
  • Feeling of pain in the jaws and around the teeth in the daytime.
  • Increased feeling of a dull headache.
  • Feeling more sleepy than routine due to deprived sleep.

If you note a few or all of these symptoms, then make sure that you visit your dentist as soon as possible. In case, you notice any of these symptoms in your child then make it a point to mention it during the next dental appointment.

Teeth Grinding treatment:

Teeth grinding or bruxism needs to be addressed and recognized before it’s too late. The most critical point about teeth grinding is that the individual himself needs to be aware of the fact that he clenches his teeth on a regular basis now. The treatment of the teeth grinding condition depends on the type of teeth grinding as mentioned above.

  •  Deal with stress: Stress is one of the unavoidable sources in one’s life. Also, it is one of the most proven reasons for the occurrence of grinding and clenching of teeth. Therefore, it is essential that one deals with stress positively and effectively. One can seek help from a professional to de-stress himself and prevent any further severe consequences of stress. Also, timely massage of your face, especially around jaws, calms the excessive functioning of the jaws after a certain period.
  • Mouth guards: Mouth guards are much essential and one of the most utilized treatments for the successful functioning of the teeth in a necessary way. For the best results and speedy recovery from teeth grinding condition of the patient, customized mouth guards are in high demand in the recent years, and it has lead to increased chances of cure of the state of teeth grinding. Along with improved functionality of the teeth, the patient also feels much comfortable than expected.


Thus, these are certain crucial aspects of teeth grinding procedure which need to understood and implemented with care.

What is The Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedure?

zoom teeth whitening near me

The Zoom Whitening procedure completion takes less than an hour, it’s including regular full mouth teeth cleaning & polishing prior to the actual Zoom teeth whitening session. Beginning of the procedure start with cover the lips and gums, leaving the teeth exposed. Then Zoom hydrogen peroxide whitening gel applies by dentist or dental assistant, which together works with the Zoom light to make a way into the teeth and disintegrate the stains and discoloration. The light is activated and the gel remains in place for 15 minutes. During this time, patient can relax, listen to music or watch TV. The gel is applied for three light activation sessions of 15 minute each, 45 minutes time for entire treatment.

Teeth Whitening CASES

Before and After Zoom Whitening

Zoom Teeth Whitening - Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening – Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening - After
Zoom Teeth Whitening – After

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Zoom Teeth Whitening - Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening – Before
Zoom Teeth Whitening - After
Zoom Teeth Whitening – After






Zoom whitening procedure is one of the most gratifying dental procedures which almost every time spreads smiles on the faces of patients. A 45 minutes comfortable procedure of teeth whitening is one of the most sought after dental cosmetic procedures at the top cosmetic dentistry destination of Delhi – Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry.
Zoom Advanced Power Whitening is the teeth whitening system used by one of the best cosmetic dentist in India – Dr. Sween Kathuria. The holistic package of full mouth teeth cleaning, polishing, Zoom Advanced Power Whitening and a maintenance kit costs just Rs. 15000. Enjoy your Smile with Teeth Whitening at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry!

In this age of instant gratification, teeth whitening procedure is a popular cosmetic dental procedure which instantly gives a brighter smiles to the patients. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, one of the most sought after cosmetic dental destination has the facility for instant teeth whitening – Zoom Advanced Power Whitening. 45 minutes of a comfortable procedure gives the best and instant results to the patients having yellow or discolored teeth. One of the top cosmetic dentist Dr. Sween Kathuria is the trainer for this system and been regularly doing it for past 12 years with great success stories.


Book your appointment with Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry at 1800-11-7272 for your slot of Zoom Advanced Whitening.

Root Canal Treatment: Myths & Facts

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments are one of most dreaded dental treatments. Whenever an individual is asked to visit a dentist, or he has severe pain and discomfort in his teeth, then he gets nervous, and worries pop up in his mind. Root canal treatment is the procedure in which the patient’s root canal is cleaned, and pulp is removed from it. It cures the constant pain and discomfort which is caused due to the presence of infected pulp in the root canal treatment.

Myth 1: Root canal treatment is painful

  • Fact: Root canal treatment is not a painful treatment it is performed to relieve the pain present in the particular tooth of the patient. There can be an excessive pain in the tooth of the patient due to the presence of an abscess below the tooth. Nowadays, advanced and highly effective anesthetics are utilized, so that the patients do not feel pain during their root canal treatment.

Myth 2: Root canal procedure costs high

  • Fact: Root canal treatment cost is an affordable one. You need not worry much about the costs of the treatment as the root canal treatment cost will vary across the city. So, you can get root canal treatment done effectively according to your budget. You need to understand that root canal treatment cost is much cheaper than of the tooth extraction procedure and bridges and on top of it you save your natural teeth. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for root canal treatment to save your tooth.

Myth 3: It is better to get tooth extraction done than root canal treatment

  • Fact: Dentists usually recommend root canal treatment over tooth extraction due to its long-term results. In fact, after the removal of the damaged pulp in the particular tooth, the life of the tooth increases manifold. Therefore, instead of the extraction of the entire tooth and replacing it with a denture or dental implant. This helps you keep your natural teeth restored and functioning in aesthetics and chewing food.

Myth 4: Root canal treatment requires several visits to the dentist

  • Fact: Gone are the days when you had to visit your dentist several times to get your root canal treatment completed. Now, you can get your root canal treatment completed just within one appointment, all thanks to the modern dental technologies. So, you need not worry regarding the time you need to invest in your root canal treatment.

Myth 5: Root canal procedure is not effective in some cases

  • Fact: According to the latest findings, root canal treatment has 95% success rates. Root canal treatment’s success rates mainly depend on the expertise of the root canal specialist or endodontist in dealing with complicated root canal cases. To ensure that a root canal treatment is successful, proper cleaning and shaping of the root canals are vital along with sealing of the root canals.

Myth 6: Tooth sensitivity remains later

  • Fact: Tooth sensitivity is one common symptom in a tooth which requires root canal treatment. After the completion of the root canal procedure, tooth sensitivity vanishes, and this provides relief to the patient. So, you can understand that the root canal procedure is useful to the patients in permanently curing tooth sensitivity.

Myth 7: Infections after Root canal treatment are common

  • Fact: Re-Root Canal Treatment can occur after failure of root canal treatment due to reinfection, but they are not common. No dentist will guarantee that reinfection will occur in the tooth even after years of successful completion of the root canal procedure. In case, if infection occurs in and around root canal treatment, then you need to opt for the root canal treatment again.


So these are the most common myths of root canal treatment and the facts of the same. It is essential that every patient knows about the root canal treatment’s myths and facts for ease and comfort concerning the procedure.