How Braces Can Change Your Face Appearance?

dental implant services

Braces are often seen as a solution for correcting misaligned teeth and jaws, but have you ever wondered if they can also change the shape of your face? In this blog, we will look into the potential effects of braces on facial appearance and explore whether they can truly transform the way you look. So, if you are planning to get braces or simply curious, this blog is going to be an insightful read for you. 

The Impact of Braces on Facial Structure

Braces work wonders when it comes to realigning teeth and jaws, but their influence doesn’t stop there. The pressure exerted by braces on your oral tissues during the treatment of issues like underbites, overbites, or open bites can lead to subtle to moderate changes in your facial shape.

For example, if you have an underbite, your lower teeth extend beyond your upper teeth due to the lower jaw’s forward position. Once braces address this imbalance, you’ll notice that your lower jaw aligns more naturally with the rest of your face. People with underbites often report that their facial structure feels and looks more harmonious after braces.

Similarly, braces can correct functional overbites, where the upper jaw extends too far ahead of the lower jaw, giving the appearance of sunken cheeks. By realigning the jaw, braces improve facial symmetry, lending strength to the chin and jawlines. Overbites weaken these features, but braces help restore balance and alignment.

Open bites, where the teeth don’t come together when the mouth is closed, can also be effectively corrected with braces. They bring the teeth together vertically, resulting in a more pleasing bite and a changed facial profile.

Braces and the Periodontal Ligament

Braces affect your facial shape by prompting changes in your body’s response to them. They put gentle, consistent pressure on your teeth, affecting the periodontal ligament—a fibrous connective tissue that anchors your teeth to the surrounding bones.

Braces consist of wires, brackets, and bands, and they guide teeth into the right position by either pushing or pulling them. Your body responds to this pressure by generating cells that either build up or break down the connected bones. This gradual remodelling of your facial bones can lead to changes in your overall facial appearance, influencing facial symmetry.

When you visit Dr. Puneet Kathuria, he is well aware that any alterations braces make to your teeth will also impact your entire facial structure. Therefore, he carefully considers these changes when designing your treatment plan.

Age, Braces, and Changing Face Shape

The age of the patient plays an imperative role in determining the extent of facial changes brought about by braces. Generally, younger patients experience more pronounced changes in their facial structure. This is why dental clinics offering top dental implant services in Delhi recommend orthodontic treatment for preteens and teenagers. However, older patients can still benefit from braces, although the process may be slower, and the changes to the face may not be as dramatic.

Common Examples That Braces Can Correct

Braces can address various malocclusions (bite issues), including:

  • Underbite: This occurs when lower teeth are positioned in front of upper teeth. Balancing the jaws and aligning the teeth can make your lower face appear more harmonious.
  • Overbite: When the upper teeth protrude far ahead of the lower teeth, it can result in a weak chin and sunken cheeks. Braces help the arches come together properly, enhancing facial symmetry.
  • Open bite: In this case, the front teeth don’t meet when the mouth is closed, leading to facial elongation. Braces bring the front teeth into contact, improving your smile and overall facial appearance.

Do Braces Change Your Jawline?

Braces can realign teeth and jaws to solve biting problems, and as a result, your jawline and lips will follow the new position of your teeth. Eventually, your face will appear more natural and aesthetically pleasing when you can comfortably close your mouth.

Get an Attractive and Confident Smile with Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry!

Do you feel your teeth are not aligned properly? If so, it’s time to book your appointment with Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry, which offers the top dental implant services in Delhi. Here, with our state-of-the-art infrastructure and professionals, we help you straighten your teeth and let you put your best face forward. So, why wait? Connect with us now!

Everything You Need to Know About Peri-Implantitis


In the world of dental health, a remarkable transformation has been taking place. Dental implants have emerged as a trusted solution for unexpected tooth loss, enjoying remarkable success and survival rates. However, a new challenge has emerged on the horizon – peri-implantitis. In this article, we will navigate the intricacies of peri-implantitis, shedding light on its definition, prevalence, diagnosis, risk factors, and treatment options.

What is Peri-Implantitis?

Defining peri-implantitis has been the subject of ongoing debate. Some experts consider it a complication arising from implant placement, while others classify it as a distinct disease. According to Dr Sween Kathuria, a leading cosmetic dentist, peri-implantitis is characterised by inflammation in the peri-implant mucosa and a continuous loss of supporting bone. In simpler terms, it’s a condition where inflammation and bone loss occur near dental implants.

Prevalence of Peri-Implantitis

The prevalence of peri-implantitis varies, with reports showing a relatively low percentage. While it may appear less common, peri-implantitis remains a significant concern, given its impact on dental implant longevity.

Diagnosing Peri-Implantitis

Diagnosing peri-implantitis is a critical step in managing this condition. The best cosmetic dentist for gaps in teeth often relies on a combination of oral examinations and radiographic imaging. Patients with peri-implantitis typically exhibit bleeding upon probing and visible signs of inflammation. Radiographs reveal marginal bone loss around the implant, confirming the diagnosis.

Risk Factors for Peri-Implantitis

Understanding the risk factors associated with peri-implantitis is crucial for prevention. Patients with sub-optimal plaque control and a history of significant periodontal issues face a higher risk for peri-implantitis. Additionally, those who neglect follow-up appointments with the best cosmetic dentist for gaps in teeth are more susceptible to developing peri-implantitis. The lack of adherence to the maintenance phase, particularly in cases of peri-implant mucositis, can contribute to its progression. However, the exact conditions triggering the disease’s advancement remain uncertain.

Treatment Options for Peri-Implantitis

Addressing peri-implantitis necessitates a multi-faceted approach. Initially, non-surgical treatments such as mechanical debridement and disinfection with specific mouthwashes may be attempted. In some cases, these methods may not yield the desired results, prompting the use of antibiotics to combat inflammation.

When non-surgical approaches fall short, surgical intervention may be recommended. Dentists use advanced techniques to clean implant surfaces thoroughly. Innovative methods ensure effective bacterial biofilm removal without causing harm to surrounding tissues, making the implant suitable for re-osseointegration.

Advanced cleaning methods employ electrolytic processes, generating hydrogen bubbles to lift the biofilm, ensuring a clean implant surface. Research has demonstrated their effectiveness in eliminating bacteria and biofilm without altering the implant’s surface.

To explore further insights into peri-implantitis and its treatment, consider consulting with Dr Sween Kathuria. Her expertise and cutting-edge techniques can help maintain the success of dental implants and safeguard your dental health.

Prioritise Your Dental Well-Being with Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry!

If you wish to ensure the continued success of dental implants and maintain a healthy and radiant smile, make sure to book your appointment at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry. With the right diagnosis and risk management, our professionals provide you with advanced treatments. Don’t hesitate! Take the initiative today by connecting with us. 

Gum Surgery: 5 Crucial Things You Must Know

Gum Surgery

Are you familiar with gum surgery? Chances are, it’s not a topic that comes up in everyday conversations, but it plays a vital role in maintaining good oral health. Gum surgery may sound intimidating, but fear not, as we’re here to demystify this common dental procedure. In this blog, we’ll provide you with a clear overview of gum surgery, from what it is to why you might need to visit the best gum surgery clinic in South Delhi and the benefits it offers. So, let’s dive in!

What Is Gum Surgery?

Gum surgery, though it may sound complex, is actually a minor and frequently performed oral surgery. It’s primarily designed for patients dealing with tooth decay and receding gums. The procedure involves taking soft tissue, either from the patient’s palate or a donor source, and grafting it onto the receding gum area. Essentially, gum surgery by Dr. Sween Kathuria acts as a life-saver for teeth with exposed roots.

Why Undergo This Surgery?

Now, you might be wondering why anyone would need gum surgery in the first place. Well, there are several reasons, and they’re more common than you might think. These include:

  • Poor oral hygiene: Ignoring your oral health can lead to gum problems.
  • Inadequate brushing technique: Brushing too vigorously or not thoroughly enough can harm your gums.
  • Gum diseases: Conditions like gingivitis or periodontitis can necessitate gum surgery.
  • Ill-fitting dentures: If your dentures don’t fit properly, it can lead to gum issues.
  • Malocclusion: An improper bite can also contribute to gum recession.
  • Genetics: Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of genetics.
  • Smoking: Tobacco use can seriously impact gum health.

These factors, individually or combined, may lead to the need for gum surgery. 

Benefits of Gum Surgery

Gum surgery comes with a host of benefits, making it a valuable tool for maintaining oral health. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Strengthening and stabilising gum tissue around a tooth.
  • Prevention of further tooth decay.
  • Reduction in teeth sensitivity when the new gum covers the root.
  • Restoration of a confident smile in some cases.

These benefits not only contribute to better oral health but also upgrade your overall quality of life.

The Procedure at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry: What to Expect? 

Wondering what happens during gum surgery? While the technicalities can vary depending on the case, the procedure generally follows these five steps:

  • Local Anaesthesia: To ensure a painless experience, Dr. Sween Kathuria administers local anaesthesia.
  • Cleaning and Polishing: The gums are cleaned, and the tooth roots receive deep scaling and polishing.
  • Graft Collection: The graft, either from your palate or a donor source, is collected.
  • Graft Attachment: The graft is carefully attached to the gum using stitches.
  • Follow-Up: A follow-up appointment is scheduled approximately 7-10 days post-surgery.

This step-by-step process ensures a successful outcome and a speedy recovery.

Post-Operative Care: Your Role in Healing

Your journey doesn’t end with the surgery itself. To facilitate a smooth recovery, you’ll need to follow some essential post-operative care instructions:

  • Avoid smoking and excessive talking to promote healing.
  • Stick to a liquid diet for the first 24 hours after surgery, then transition to soft foods. Avoid alcohol and drinks that may irritate the surgical area.
  • If you experience minor gum bleeding after surgery, gently apply gauze pads to stop it. You can also use ice for 15-minute intervals to reduce swelling.

By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll ensure the best possible outcome from your gum surgery.

Get a Tried-and-True Solution for a Brighter, Healthier Smile with Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry!

Gum surgery has a significant role in maintaining one’s oral health and quality of life. If you are struggling with gum receding or tooth sensitivity and searching for the best gum surgery clinic in South Delhi, then Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry is just the place for you. Our experts utilise cutting-edge technology to offer personalised treatments. So, book an appointment now and eliminate all your oral health problems!