Prevent Oral Health Issues – Reach The Best Dentist

Prevent oral health issues: reach the best dentist.

Just like other areas of the body, our mouth is swamped with bacteria, mostly harmless. However, as the mouth is an entry point to the respiratory and digestive tracts, some of these bacteria may pose a problem for the body and cause diseases.

Generally, our body’s natural defenses and good oral healthcare such as brushing twice a day and flossing keep bacteria under control. However, without a proper oral hygiene routine, colonies of bacteria can develop and reach levels that may lead to some serious oral infections, such as tooth decay and other gum diseases. 

To prevent these oral infections, it is essential to begin paying extra attention to this aspect of our health. As we age, the risk of certain health conditions increases- however, taking steps in the right direction can help prevent these problems.

Here are a few ways you can incorporate in your life to prevent dental problems popping up-

  1. Follow a Regular Oral Hygiene Routine

Maintaining an oral hygiene routine can help keep teeth and gums healthy in both the short and long run. A good oral hygiene routine includes brushing teeth with probiotic toothpaste for two minutes twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and using antioxidant mouthwash as per the directions of the bottle. As each of these steps plays a role others can’t, they work together to clean the mouth of plaque. 

Following a hygiene routine helps you prevent and protect yourself from oral health issues even before they occur. This not just helps you save time and money involved in dental treatments, but it’s also better for your health in the long term. 

  1. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

In order to prevent diseases due to oral health, it is essential for you to regularly visit your dentist. Regular appointments to the dentist allow spotting oral issues early on before they require some major treatment. So, if you are currently suffering from any dental problems or require dental implants in South Delhi, visit your dentist to get the disease treated.

  1. Get Immediate Treatment For Existing Oral Issues

If you are experiencing any oral issues, it is essential to get the treatment right away. Oral diseases, if left untreated, will simply get worse with time cause more damage to your teeth, gums, and even affect your overall health. Getting treatment done at the right time will prevent you from undergoing more complex treatments. 

  1. Quit Harmful habits

Another way to protect your oral and overall health is to quit harmful habits. Chewing tobacco, for example, can increase the risk of developing oral cancer and reduce your body’s ability to fight oral bacteria. This, in turn, increases your chances of getting cavities or gum diseases. Similarly, using your teeth to chip, crack, or break open packages or nuts, can be painful and land you to visit a dentist immediately. Thus, it is important to make an effort to quit such harmful habits and protect your teeth. 

Wrapping Up

Taking care of your oral health in order to make sure that your teeth, gums, and body remain healthy is an investment. And, if you require guidance, assistance, or any dental treatment, get in touch with Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. We are a leading provider of the best dental tourism in India and our team will make sure you leave our clinic with a smile. Get connected with us to schedule a consultation today. 

Common Symptoms You Need A Root Canal Treatment

Smile Makeover with Dental Veneers

Root Canal Treatment or endodontics is performed to treat a tooth with infected pulp. But what are the signs of an infected tooth pulp? How can one identify whether he/she is in need of root canal treatment or not?

Here are some of the common symptoms indicating that you should visit your endodontist for root canal treatment.

  1. Cracked or Chipped Tooth: There are several causes resulting in a cracked or chipped tooth. A few of them includes:

    eating hard foods like candies, chips, etc
    involvement in contact sports like football, hurling, etc 
    previously failed dental procedures 

    The reason cracked or chipped tooth should not be ignored is that it leaves the tooth nerves exposed. This may lead to severe infection and pain. If you have a cracked and painful tooth then make sure to visit your endodontist at the earliest for the root canal treatment.

  2. Dark Discoloration/Staining of the Tooth: Dark discoloration of tooth takes place due to the consumption of foods like coffee, wine, etc that may stain the enamel of the tooth. In addition to this, poor oral hygiene also contributes to the darkening of the tooth by spreading germs in the mouth. After some time, the nerves of the tooth are likely to get damaged or infected. The dark discoloration can be treated with the RCT.
  3. Decayed or Infected Tooth: There are three major causes leading to the decayed or infected tooth:
    eating unhealthy food like candies, burger, etc
    an unhealthy oral regime with lack of proper brushing, flossing, and rinsing

    consumption of tobacco and alcohol

    Most of the people are too embarrassed to visit the general dentist for a consultation. Ignoring the infected tooth for a long time can result in the loss of the tooth. Therefore, it is advisable to visit the nearest dental clinic for consultation. In case of any further treatment, your general dentist may refer you to the endodontist for painless RCT.

  4. Mild to Severe Toothache: Toothache is one of the most notable symptoms of the infected tooth pulp. For some time you may ignore other symptoms like tooth infection, discoloration, chipped tooth, etc. However, you can never ignore the toothache especially when its intensity increases from mild to severe. A severe toothache may further lead to fever, headache, and swelling in the face and neck. For a few hours, you may be able to subdue the pain with over-the-counter medicines but it is not a permanent solution and definitely not the safest one. The only way to get rid of the pain is to get the infected pulp removed. Therefore, it is advisable to get RCT from a professional.
  5. Root or Tooth Sensitivity: If you feel discomfort or pain in the tooth while consuming hot and cold foods, breathing cold air and brushing your teeth then you may have tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is the result of damaged enamel or receding gums.
  6. Swollen Gums: Gum swelling is indicating of damaged or infected tooth nerves. In addition to this, you may also have a foul taste in the mouth around the swollen gums. This is the result of inflamed tooth nerves and requires the immediate attention of the professional.

Root Canal Treatment in Delhi

If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms then you must schedule an appointment with your endodontist. Visiting a professional at the renowned dental clinic like Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry gives the assurance of painless RCT along with the best post-treatment patient care. At Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, we know that nothing is more precious than your bright smile and therefore we have the most experienced team at your service. With us, you can have the satisfaction of getting the best root canal treatment in Delhi at an affordable price.

Teledentistry – The Future of Oral Health

Teledentistry Services India

In India and Worldwide people are suffering from oral health issues. To combat this issue the experts in the field of dentistry are turning towards a modern and practical approach. The method involves the use of telecommunication and information communications resulting in a new kind of dentistry called Teledentistry. Various programs providing virtual oral care service have been launched by dental clinics across the world using teledentistry. Since Teledentistry is still in its developing phase, therefore, both dentist and patients are yet to explore new possibilities that it may offer in the field of dentistry. The process of spreading awareness about teledentistry won’t be complete until there aren’t any visible results indicating the improvement of oral health in the world.

But what is Teledentistry?

As the name suggests teledentistry refers to the use of telecommunications and information technologies offering dental care services to a maximum number of people. The virtual care programs offered using teledentistry may involve educational videos spreading awareness about oral health, informative videos about minor dental issues and live consultation with dentists via video calling/conferencing.

Why Teledentistry?

There are three key reasons behind the introduction of teledentistry:

  • Educating People: The first purpose of teledentistry is to provide dental education. The educational data may target questions like—what is oral health, how to manage oral health, and best ways to keep gums and teeth healthy, etc.
  • Spreading Awareness: Here, the target is to spread awareness about oral health issues, causes of various types of oral and dental issues like – oral cancer, periodontitis, etc, and preventive measures that one may take to avoid such oral issues.
  • Consultation and Treatment: If you need urgent oral care but you are unable to reach your dentist then teledentistry is for you. There are times when the dentists have zero slots for you in their appointment book. In such cases, you may approach some other dentists for a consultation. The dentist may ask you to visit the dental clinic for further treatment but only if he/she finds that the issue is severe.

Scope of Teledentistry in India

  • Improving Oral Health: Teledentistry is a good option to reach people living in both rural and urban India. Educating people about oral health, spreading awareness about oral health issues and virtual care solution for dental consultation will surely improve the dental health of people.
  • Easy Consultation: You may consult any dentist for minor issues from anywhere anytime.
  • More Time, Less Crowd: Teledentistry may control the crowd in dental clinics by providing virtual consultation for minor issues. This will allow the dentists to have more time in hand to focus on patients with severe dental issues.
  • Second opinion: Validate your dental treatment plan by taking the expert second opinion from the best in the business.

Teledentistry in Delhi

There are very few dental clinics in India offering teledentistry services. It’s because teledentistry requires a proper setup of telecommunications and information technologies in order to function smoothly. Therefore, Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry is a dental setup that brings you Teledentistry in Delhi, India. If you are looking for the Teledentistry in India then you may visit The dental setup is equipped with the latest dental equipment and is known for its excellent dental services offered by highly experienced team of 7 dental specialists.

Get the best dental consultation from the comfort of your home of a predetermined time.

If you are an International Patient & wish to seek Dental Treatment in India, than Teledentistry / Online Consultation is the safe bet to understand your potential Dental Treatment, Visits & Costs involved. It always boosts your confidence when you can meet your potential doctors face to face & discuss your dental issues. The Teledentistry attempt by Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry from New Delhi, India is exactly conceptualized on these lines to provide you maximum benefits from the comfort of your home. Visit Teledentistry for more details.

Dental Implants: Permanent Solution For Missing Teeth

Implant Supported Overdenture

Dental implants are metal frames that are surgically placed by the implantologist in the jawbone to fill the gap caused by the missing teeth. These metal posts or frames are designed to fit perfectly so as to restore your chewing or speaking capability. Over a time period these metal frames begin to act like your natural teeth roots. Made from titanium these metal anchors provide extra support to over-dentures.

Dental implants or implant supported over-dentures are easy to manage as they don’t slip while chewing or speaking. False teeth like bridges, crowns, and removable over-denture are less stable and comfortable as compared to implant over-denture.

Dental implants: Types of Over-denture

There are two types of over-denture:

  1. Gum Supported or Implant Retained Over-denture: these over-dentures are designed to rests on gums. Such dentures come with retentive attachments that help them to stay put over the dental implants.
  2. Implant Supported Over-denture: these over-dentures are implanted on the jaws forever and can only removed clinically. Such implant over-denture comes in one-piece where the bar and over-denture are fixed permanently into the jaws using titanium screws.

Advantages of Dental Implants or Implant Supported Dentures

  1. More Stable and Comfortable: Unlike bridges and crowns, implant supported over-dentures provide more stability and comfort as they are supported by dental implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone.
  2. Provides Stimulation to Jawbone: Dental implants replace the natural teeth roots by filling the gap due to missing teeth. Like natural teeth roots they also provide stimulation to the jawbone. Hence preventing resorption of jawbone.
  3. Improves Chewing and Speaking Capability: Since, dental implants are fixed they retain implant over-denture at one place. Thus helping you to chew and speak properly.
  4. Retains Facial Structure: By providing stimulation to the jawbone, dental implants also contribute in retaining the facial structure by preventing sagging and premature ageing.
  5. Cleaning is Easy: Dental implants also improve oral health as they are easy to clean. All you need to do is to treat them like natural teeth and brush and floss them regularly.
  6. Saves You from Embarrassment: Removable over-dentures tend to slip while chewing or speaking thus causing you to feel embarrassed in front of others. But with implant over-dentures you can chew or speak smoothly as they don’t slip. They give an amazing makeover to your smile thus saving you from embarrassment.

Dental Health Benefits of Cloves – Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry

Clove Benefits for Teeth

Get the best and most Efficient Dental Treatment from the Leading Dentistry

Teeth are the most part of the body. There are two essential functions of teeth due to which it has the maximum importance. The first pertains to the overall outlook of a person and the second pertains to the factor of digestion.

  1. Regarding the first aspect which is about the beauty and the outlook of an individual has a lot to do with the kind of teeth one has. Everyone wishes to witness a pleasing face cut. Teeth play an important role to make the facial features look beautiful. The way one talks, smiles and interacts exposes the kind of teeth one has. That is why, it is essential to maintain the teeth in the best possible manner so that the first impression can become the best impression.
  2. Regarding the second aspect which is about digestion, it is only when the food is properly chewed with the teeth that it can be digested properly. Food gets digestive only when it is chewed properly.

These two important functions make it mandatory for the people to take proper care when it comes to dental health. However, due to the kind of lifestyle people have these days, a lot of junk food intake takes place which eventually affects dental health. The germs get accumulated on the surface of the teeth or get stuck in between each tooth which results tooth decay.

In order to tackle with such and other dental health, clove treatment is the most helpful treatment. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry is one of the best dental clinics when it comes to dental and oral treatments. They are renowned for providing treatments which are basically known for having clove dental benefits. Clove is the natural ingredient which plays an essential role in keeping teeth germ free, all shining and refreshing. If you wish to know as to how clove is useful, the best way is to adhere to Dr. Kathuria’s mandates regarding clove benefits for teeth. Being one of the most trusted platforms, they have the most authentic knowledge as to how and in what ways clove can be helpful. There are various ways in which clove can be beneficial for all sorts of dental ailments. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry also provides consultation about authentic clove oil for tooth pain. Such oils can be used on a daily basis which helps in enriching the quality and the shine of the teeth. The gums become stronger resulting in healthy oral condition which enriches both beauty and digestion. In spite of being an authentic and technologically strong platform, the experts at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry prefer the usage of cloves for toothache and kinds of tooth ailments.

Adhere To Laser Dentistry Treatment For Best Results

Laser Gums Treatment

Laser Dentistry is one of the most recent kinds of dentistry which have been prevalent in the current times. Technology has revolutionized our lives from all the aspects. The medical sector does not remain excluded in this regard. Within the medical sector, the dental sector has witnessed a lot of changes and transformations when it comes to the modes and methods of treatment. One such transformation is the introduction and dissemination of laser methods in dental operations. Teeth are the most essential and at the same time, the most delicate parts of the human body. That is why, all kinds of treatments, surgeries and operations pertaining to teeth should always been held under the supervision of expert doctors and dentists. Laser Dentistry ensures safety from all respects. It makes treatments all the more convenient and easier. Surgeries tend to cause a lot amount of morbidity and un-easiness post operation. However, laser treatments within the ambit of dentistry do not cause of morbidity or any kind of uneasy feeling does not bother the concerned patients. However, one important thing that should be ensured by the patients is that they should always rely and procure the concerned treatments from the most trusted and authentic dental platforms.

Dr Kathuria’s dental services are one of the best services in this regard. They are known to be the leading experts in this field. It has been a long time since they have been serving the patients in the best possible manner. This platform comprises groups of some of the leading dentists and medical assistants who work very hard in making the respective treatments easier and painless for the patients. They are famous for being technologically updated. They have been successfully able to introduce laser treatment for teeth. More and more patients are going for this treatment as its painless and does not cause any other kind of inconvenience. Laser treatment makes use of rays which treats the affected tissues in a way which does not cause too much of pain as opposed to normal dental surgeries which are painful both pre and post operation sessions. If you are suffering from any kind of serious health ailment which needs surgery, Dr Kathuria’s dental treatments and specifically dental laser treatment sessions are highly recommended in order to receive guaranteed results within minimum time span also without the causation of pain.

Differences Between Invisalign vs. Ceramic Braces

Cost of Clear Aligners

Invisalign braces or clear aligners are made of polyurethane plastic. Since they are made of plastic they are almost invisible giving a very clear effect. These invisible braces are used for less severe orthodontic issues.

Ceramic braces or clear braces have brackets that are made of ceramic. The brackets are designed to match the color and texture of teeth.

Since both of these braces give clear effect, some people find it hard to differentiate between them.

Here are some of the differences between Invisalign and Ceramic braces:

  1. Clear aligners are bracket-less: The Invisalign braces to not have brackets like ceramic braces.
  2. Clear aligners are more transparent: The reason behind the popularity of Invisalign braces is that they are almost invisible due to their transparent look. On the other hand, the brackets of the clear braces may blend with the color of teeth but they are not invisible.
  3. Clear aligners are removable: The Invisalign braces can be easily removed while eating, brushing and flossing. Whereas, clear braces make it difficult to eat, brush and floss as they are fixed.
  4. Ceramic braces require fewer adjustments: Once the ceramic braces are fixed to your teeth, you will need to visit your dentist in every four weeks to adjust the brackets. On the other hand, the trays of the Invisalign are required to be changed in every two weeks.
  5. Clear aligners are not for extensive cases: The clear aligners can treat less crooked teeth, gapped teeth, misaligned bites; but they cannot treat extensive cases like extremely crooked teeth, cross-bites, and malocclusions. However, for extensive cases, clear braces can work wonders. In addition to this, if you remove your Invisalign braces very frequently or fail to wear them for at least 22 hours a day, then your orthodontic treatment may not become successful. But with ceramic braces, the chances of your orthodontic treatment becoming successful are relatively higher.
  6. Clear aligners are flexible: Invisalign braces are made of plastics which make them flexible. This flexibility prevents them from chipping or breaking. On the other hand, clear braces or ceramic braces are a little brittle; therefore prone to chipping or breaking.
  7. Clear aligners are smooth: Since clear aligners are made of plastics; they are quite smooth in texture. On the other hand, clear braces are a little rough and tend to cause irritation on gums and lips.
  8. Clear aligners do not stain teeth: The Invisalign braces cover the entire tooth surface thus preventing them from stains. On the other hand, clear braces may stain the teeth if you consume foods with strong pigmentation like coffee, tea or wine and also if you smoke a lot.

What is Guided Implant Surgery?

Guided Implant Surgery

Guided Implant Surgery is a computer-guided dental implant. The guided implant surgery uses patient’s CT to plan an implant surgery. As compared to traditional dental implants surgery, guided implant surgery gives a more accurate result. In order to perform guided implant surgery, the dentist needs implant planning software, guided implant surgery kit, custom surgical templates, and cone-beam CT.

The guided implant surgery is performed in four steps. The first step requires the dentist to examine a patient’s CT. The second step is to plan treatment using implant planning software. The third steps include a customized surgical implant. The fourth and final step is performing the surgery.

What’s the purpose of the machinery and planning software used in the guided surgical site?

Cone-beam CT scanner is used by the dentist to take high-quality 3D images of a patient’s mouth. These images help the dentist to get visual detail of the mouth so as to locate the exact surgical site. Also, the cone-beam CT is safe as it utilizes less radiation.

Implant planning software is used to generate the data in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format. The software then converts the data into 2D and 3D thus allowing the dentist to see important anatomical structures.

Surgical template holds the information that has been planned on the planning software. The template has small sleeves that are designed to guide the drilling.

Surgical drill kit is designed according to the surgical template. The drills should fit into the sleeves of the surgical template.

What are the advantages of Guided Implant Surgery?

The guided implant surgery makes the surgery more predictable, precise and safe. This is because with guided implants the dentist can predict how much room is required for the crown. The surgical guide is designed to rest on the teeth, gums or jawbone. This limits the depth of the drill and implant. So that very less invasion takes place in the jawbone. This means guided implant surgery is more controlled as compared to traditional dental implants surgery. In addition to this, guided implant surgery minimizes bone grafts. Generally, flapless surgery is performed using this technique. Since the surgery is less invasive it requires less time to heal.

What are the disadvantages of guided implant surgery?

The guided surgery requires a clinic to invest in a good CT scan machine, implant planning software, and a surgical kit. Therefore make sure to visit a dental clinic that has high quality guided implant surgery service. It’s because the entire surgery is dependent on the machinery and surgical kits. An incorrectly planned implant, a low-quality CT scan, an incorrectly assembled surgical kit, and a wrong surgical template can lead into a lot of complications. In addition to this, the treatment planning requires a lot of time.

What Can Go Wrong With Dental Implants?

Lower Arch Rehabilitation with 6 Nobel Biocare Implants & Malo Bridge

Dental Implants are used as a replacement for missing teeth. In general, a tooth implant is risk-free but if you visit an unprofessional or less experienced dentist then you may face some complications.

Here is a list of a few complications that may occur during or after the procedure:

  • Infection at the Surgical Site

The human body is designed to reject foreign bodies. Whenever something unnatural or artificial is introduced to the human body there are chances of getting an infection. If you have poor oral hygiene routine then your chances of getting infections are higher than other patients. Presence of bacteria at the surgical site can cause severe infection. Therefore, one should always make sure to consult a good dentist before getting dental implants.

  • Insufficient Bone Support or Lack of Bone

If the dentist performs the procedure despite the lack of jawbone then your dental implant can result in failure. Lack of jawbone means there won’t be enough support for the implant. A successful implant is fused with all sides of the bone. If you have a missing tooth for a long time then chances are you already have less bone density. In such a case you should inform your dentist so as to prevent a failed implant.

  • Fracture

If you have a habit of clenching or grinding your teeth then you should inform your dentist about it. Clenching or grinding puts pressure on the dental implants that may lead to fracture. In addition to this incorrectly placed implant can also cause a fracture.

  • Nerve Damage

Nerve damage can occur either during or after the procedure. Some problems caused by the nerve damage are tingling in gums, lips, chin, and pain.

  • Micro-movement of the Implant

If the dental implant is not stable then micro-movements can occur. However, this problem will occur only if the artificial tooth is attached to the implant right after the surgery. Typically, an experienced dentist waits for the implant to fuse properly with the bone.

  • Allergic Reaction

Dental implants are made of biocompatible titanium. This means that your body should not reject the implant. However, if your body is allergic to titanium then you may have an allergic reaction.

Reasons for Complications

Some of the known reasons for a dental implant failure include incorrect placement of an implant, poor oral hygiene, and smoking. The signs of a tooth implant failure are loosing of an implant, inflamed or recessed gums, difficulty in chewing, severe pain and foul smell from the implant.

Treatment of Complications

The techniques used to treat these complications include replacing implants, bone or gum grafting, and replacing implants with dentures.

Invisalign: Only by Invisalign Certified Experts, New Delhi

Cost of Clear Aligners

In 1999, Align Technology brought a revolution in the world of cosmetic dentistry by introducing Invisalign braces. These invisible braces were designed for people who find it awkward to use metal braces. The product was already approved by the FDA in 1998 for marketing purposes. The reason behind its approval was that despite made of plastic the product was safe and effective. However, in the present time, a lot of non-certified companies are also designing Invisalign braces or clear aligners. Non-certified products do not guarantee the safety and effectiveness of treatment. Buying Invisalign braces from non-certified companies can cause more harm to your teeth and gums. Therefore, one should always make sure to buy Invisalign from certified companies.

In addition to this, Invisalign requires expertise that only a certified expert can exhibit. One should not depend on regular orthodontist to get Invisalign braces. It is because the Invisalign system is completely dependent on software for its proper function. This means that your orthodontist should have knowledge about the Invisalign system so as to prescribe your Invisalign treatment.

According to Align Technology (the parent company of Invisalign), the Invisalign system consists of virtual modeling software, rapid manufacturing processes and mass customization, and clear aligners. The Invisalign-trained orthodontists have education and tools to provide Invisalign treatment in their dental clinics.

The Invisalign aligners are made from polyurethane plastic. The polyurethane plastic makes the products almost invisible and clear. These virtually clear aligners or invisible braces are used to treat minor orthodontic issues like overbite, under-bite, cross-bite, open-bite, gap teeth and crowded teeth.

The virtually clear aligners in the Invisalign system have some major advantages over regular braces. Firstly, the aligners are nearly invisible thus giving you the confidence to smile. Secondly, clear braces are easily removable as they don’t have brackets like traditional braces. This means you can now maintain your oral hygiene without worrying. You can remove the aligners before eating or brushing your teeth. However, frequent removal of aligners may not treat your orthodontic problem more effectively. Therefore one needs to make sure that he/she wears the aligners for at least 22 hours a day. Thirdly, aligners ensure free movement of your teeth without any pain or irritation. In addition to this, the treatment lasts for 24 months. Your Invisalign-trained orthodontist may give you Invisalign trays for the next few months so as to reduce your dental visits.

Only your Invisalign-trained orthodontist or general practitioner dentist can give you correct information on using Invisalign braces. Therefore, ask your orthodontist if he/she is Invisalign-trained or not.