Debunking 7 Myths About Invisalign

Debunking 7 Myths About Invisalign

Gone are the days when traditional braces were only the orthodontic treatment option available to people who wanted a perfect smile. Nowadays, different types of options are available for teeth alignment, one of which is Invisalign. Clear aligners or Invisalign aligners are a great option for people who wish for properly aligned teeth but don’t want metal braces in their mouth. However, they have been used for a while; many myths surround them. So, if you’re going for Invisalign aligners, let’s debunk several myths and discover the truth. 

Also, remember, whether you’re looking for orthodontics or dental implants in South Delhi, trust a reliable and trustworthy dentist like Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry.

  • Invisalign Aligners Is Only for Minor Orthodontic Problems

Contrary to popular opinion, Invisalign Aligners can treat various orthodontic problems, such as crowding, spacing, overbites, underbites, and cross-bites. Your teeth are precisely fitted with Invisalign aligners, which progressively shift your teeth into the proper position. Although Invisalign can often take longer than traditional braces to produce the intended results, it can still be a successful orthodontic treatment option.

  • They’re More Expensive to Use

Nowadays, Invisalign Aligners are more widely accepted as a valid kind of treatment. Many think using clear trays or aligners will cost more money. However, this is untrue. In general, the cost is equivalent to braces. They might also cost less because they don’t need to be adjusted or fit-checked at the orthodontist’s office as frequently. 

  • You Cannot Consume Everything

This is very untrue that you hear that after going for an Invisalign, you’re not allowed to eat whatever you want to. The reality is that wearers of Invisalign are free to eat anything they want, whenever they want. This orthodontic procedure won’t restrict your diet because it employs removable aligners rather than metal brackets and wires. You can have pizza, pasta, apples, and various other food items that you enjoy. 

  • Invisalign Aligners Are Uncomfortable to Wear

The comfort of wearing Invisalign aligners is unmatched as it consists of a smooth, pleasant plastic material and is manufactured specifically to suit your teeth. When you start wearing a new aligner, you can feel some pressure or discomfort, but this usually goes away after a few days. For many individuals, Invisalign aligners are a more comfortable alternative to braces because they don’t contain any metal brackets or wires that could irritate their mouths.

  • Invisalign Aligners Can Harm Your Teeth

Invisalign aligners are created to be secure and efficient for people of all age groups. As mentioned above, Invisalign aligners are manufactured from a smooth, clear plastic material that is gentle on your teeth and gums, unlike traditional braces, which employ metal brackets and wires that can harm teeth and gums. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are created specifically for your teeth, minimising any potential discomfort or damage.

  • Invisalign Gets Stained and Become Visible

Yes, Invisalign gets stained, and this can only happen when you do not care for them. If you think that after some period of time, Invisalign can stain and become visible on its own, then it is not true. However, you can follow important guidelines such as when you eat, you can remove your Invisalign, or you must deep clean it. 

  • Invisalign Is Noticeable And Unattractive

Another myth surrounding it is that Invisalign aligners are noticeable and can affect your overall appearance. Well, to be honest, this is not true. Since Invisalign aligners are made of thin and clear plastics that make them virtually invisible when worn. As a result, it blends with your natural teeth colour. 

Consult with Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry for World Class Dental Treatment

Undoubtedly, Invisalign Aligner is one of the safest, most efficient, and cost-effective orthodontic treatment options. Contrary to certain widespread beliefs, Invisalign is not just for minor orthodontic issues; it is far less expensive than traditional braces and comfortable to wear. So, if you want to get Invisalign successfully, consult Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry today. We have the best dental implant surgeon in Delhi, professionally trained orthodontics, cosmetic surgeon, and many more. Give us a call or email us; we are just a click away. 

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers: Understanding Differences

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers

Whether your desire lies in obtaining a radiant smile or addressing cosmetic imperfections, veneers frequently present themselves as a superb choice. They are different from dental implants, where your missing teeth are replaced by implants. In contrast, veneers enhance the existing look. Additionally, dental veneers predominantly exist in two variants: porcelain and composite. Choosing the most suitable veneer type hinges upon several diverse considerations. Delve into the dissimilarities below before booking your appointment with the top dental implant surgeon in India for dental veneers.

Difference between Porcelain Veneers and Composite Veneers

The contrast between porcelain veneers and composite veneers lies in their composition and application. Porcelain veneers consist of thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the outer surface of the tooth, while composite veneers are crafted from engineered resin and applied to the tooth’s outer surface. Both types of veneers are designed to blend with your natural teeth, either matching their colour or enhancing their whiteness, resulting in an improved and more appealing smile.

  • Time

In terms of application time, composite veneers are the faster option between the two. They can be completed in a single visit. During the appointment with a top dental implant surgeon in India, the resin’s shade will be matched to your surrounding teeth to ensure natural appearance. It is then applied to your teeth, cured, and polished. This means you can leave the dentist’s office on the same day with a brand-new smile!

On the other hand, porcelain veneers typically require at least two visits. On the first visit, your dentist will remove a very thin layer of your teeth. After that they will take an impression of the teeth that will receive the veneers, and send the mould to a dental laboratory. While you wait for your custom veneers to be fabricated, you may wear temporary veneers. During the second visit, your porcelain veneers will be permanently bonded to your teeth using dental cement. Although this process takes more time, the final result can provide a highly aesthetic and long-lasting smile transformation.

  • Durability

With adequate care, porcelain veneers are expected to endure for about 10-15 years, whereas composite veneers usually last for 4-8 years. Despite being delicate on their own, porcelain veneers become remarkably robust once bonded to a healthy tooth. They exhibit a high level of durability. On the other hand, composite veneers are also reasonably durable but not as strong as porcelain. They have a higher tendency to chip compared to porcelain. However, if damage were to occur to a porcelain veneer, it would require professional repair or replacement by a dentist, whereas composite veneers can sometimes be easily repaired if the damage is minor.

  • Aesthetics

Porcelain veneers have unmatched aesthetics due to their translucent properties and resistance to stains. They can eliminate the need to whiten natural teeth if applied to the upper and lower teeth. However, they are not reversible. In contrast, composite veneers can be reversed if needed, but they may stain like natural teeth.


Experience excellence in dental care at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry!

Our skilled team is committed to providing top-notch services, from dental implants in South Delhi to smile makeovers. With cutting-edge technology and a patient-centred approach, your oral health is in trusted hands. Schedule your appointment today and discover your perfect smile.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Jaw Pain

top dental implant services in delhi

Jaw pain is one of the most debilitating conditions that can affect your ability to speak and eat. Experiencing this pain or stiffness can be a sign that you’re suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD. If you’re experiencing this pain, don’t fret because you’re not alone. There are millions of people who suffer from the same issue.

While this type of dysfunction is not life-threatening, it is still a serious matter that can impact the quality of your life. It is commonly a byproduct of stress and trauma to the temporomandibular joints or muscles, possibly resulting from bruxism. Fortunately, you don’t have to bear this pain any more as there are several ways with which you can bid adieu to this disorder. To understand what causes jaw pain and how to resolve the issues, read the following sections.

What is a temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?

The bi-articular hinge joint, known as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), joins the skull to the lower jaw. The TMJ enables us to open our jaws widely for eating and speaking, as well as to seal them tightly for chewing foods with tough textures. It is one of the most crucial joints in our body and has a rather complex anatomy.

What causes jaw pain?

There are a number of potential causes of jaw discomfort, in addition to abnormalities or injuries to the jaw joint. Here are a few reasons why jaw pain may occur:

● Dental problems: Dental problems such as gum diseases, tooth gaps, broken teeth, cavities, and abscesses can be the main reason behind jaw pain. Furthermore, dental abscesses, and serious tooth infections, can occasionally send pain radiating to the jaw.
● Cluster Headaches/Migraines: Typically, cluster headaches induce pain behind or around one eye, although the pain can also spread to the jaw. And it is considered one of the most agonizing headache varieties.
● Sinus Conditions: Close to the jaw joint are the sinuses, which are air-filled cavities. An excessive amount of mucus that exerts pressure on the jaw joint and causes pain could originate from the sinuses becoming infected with a virus or bacterium.
● Trigeminal neuralgia: Trigeminal nerve compression is the most frequent cause of trigeminal neuralgia. This disorder affects the upper and lower jaws as well as a vast section of the face.

How is TMJ identified?

TMJ issues can be identified by a qualified orthodontist, dentist, or physician. They will usually accomplish this by:
● observing jaw movement
● keeping an eye out for any jaw clicking
● Identifying sore places on the jaw by applying pressure to it
● Imaging tests (X-rays, CT scans, or MRI images) for diagnosis

Imaging typically happens when a medical professional has a good reason to think there might be an issue. A deeper understanding of what might be causing your TMJ dysfunction will require a close-up look at the joint, jawbone, teeth, and surrounding tissues.

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When to see a Doctor?

Although jaw discomfort is not necessarily serious, a patient should visit the doctor if:

● Home remedies for jaw discomfort are ineffective.
● When neck or upper back pain goes into the mouth, the jaw starts to make a popping or clicking sound, which can cause frequent headaches, eye pain, or changes in vision. Mouth pain interferes with a person’s everyday activities.
If you’re suffering from any kind of dental problems such as cavities, toothache or gum issues, visit Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. As a leading top dental implant service in Delhi, we have a team of experts who are well-versed with the latest technology and procedure that helps in delivering safe & successful treatment. Also, you can reach us via mail or call; we are just one click away.