Get Your Smile Back in a Flash: The Ultimate Guide to Immediate Loading Dental Implants!

Immediate loading dental implants in India are a fast way to replace missing teeth. The implant and crown are fixed on the same day, so you can chew and talk immediately. You don’t have to wait for months like in traditional methods. In conventional methods, the implant needs time to strengthen enough to support chewing and look natural. This process can take 3 to 6 months. With immediate loading dental implants in South Delhi, you can have your new teeth immediately and get back to your daily routine quickly.

If you want to get the best treatment plan for your dental condition, it’s important to visit the top dental implant surgeon in India. Although immediate loading of dental implants can be done quickly, it’s important to know that the process of osseointegration takes a few months, and during this time, the implants cannot be moved. This means that you shouldn’t use dental crowns, bridges or dentures for chewing function until the process is complete.

Also, it’s important to note that immediate loading dental implants may not be suitable for every person. The suitability of this procedure depends on factors like the condition of your bones and overall health. Look for the top dental implant surgeon in India who is experienced and can carry out guided implant surgery for the best results.

The Procedure

The immediate loading dental implant procedure involves a few steps. 

  • First, the tooth or teeth that need to be replaced are removed using local anaesthesia. This is done with minimal damage to the surrounding tissues.
  • Next, the implant is placed into the empty socket using a guided implant procedure. This is done with the help of 3D CBCT scanning and implant planning software.
  • After that, a digital impression is taken to create an implant-supported prosthesis, which can be either temporary or permanent. These prostheses are designed in a way that prevents any movement and supports normal oral functions without discomfort to the patient.

Overall, this procedure is a great option for people who want to replace missing teeth quickly and effectively. Now, let’s understand its benefits.


Immediate-loading dental implants are a preferred alternative for patients seeking to replace missing teeth due to several benefits they offer. Here are some of the benefits:

  • This procedure effectively offers immediate alleviation from the discomfort and distress resulting from tooth loss, thereby proving to be highly advantageous for patients who seek to resume their daily routine at the earliest.
  • When compared to traditional implant procedures, this procedure needs fewer hospital visits, which is not only convenient but also saves time and money.
  • This also improves the look of your teeth and boosts your confidence. 
  • It provides you with a natural-looking smile you can be confident of. 
  • You won’t have to worry about wearing uncomfortable or falling-out interim dentures with rapid-loading dental implants. 

Overall, immediate loading dental implants are an effective, efficient, and safe way to replace missing teeth, providing many benefits that improve your oral health and quality of life.

Get the best solution for all your oral health-related problems at Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry!

Are you looking for the best clinic for dental implants in South Delhi? If so, Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry is the perfect place to visit. We have a team of expert dentists who provide personalised and effective treatment for any dental issue you might be experiencing. Schedule your appointment with us today!

When is A Gum Graft Surgery Required?

When is Gum Graft Surgery Required?

Gum Graft surgery is recommended when your gums are receding and exposing the roots of your teeth. The gum recession and exposure of your root surface to the teeth can cause tooth decay. Further, it can make your teeth more sensitive and prone to abrasion. In this case, gum graft surgery becomes necessary to protect your teeth.

Gum recession is the process in which the surrounding tissue around the teeth is pulled away from the tooth. The recession can also cause damage to supporting bone. Also, the gum doctor (periodontist) can suggest Gum graft surgery to improve the appearance of your smile apart from gum recession. The Gum grafting procedure is also called the gingival draft.


The professional periodontist and the best dental implant surgeon in Delhi can offer the most cutting-edge treatment for gum recession. In gum graft surgery, the doctor will remove a piece of tissue from the nearby healthy gum tissue. And then attach it to the area where the gums have worn away or receded.


Reasons for getting a Gum Graft


Gum loss generally occurs due to dental or other health issues that need to be addressed to regain healthy gums. The most common cause of gum recession includes the following:


  • Brushing teeth too roughly
  • Aggressive orthodontic treatment
  • Trauma
  • Periodontal disease


The gum recession is widespread. It usually affects up to 12% of adults and is generally undetected until it gets severe. Most people don’t even notice that they have receding gums, as receding is a very slow process. But in the long run, the tooth becomes more exposed, causing extreme sensitivity to hot & cold food and beverages. If not promptly treated by the top dental implant surgeon in India, the recession can lead to permanent tooth loss.


Gum Grafting Surgery Procedure


After your appointment, your doctor will give you local anesthesia to numb the area where the gum grafting surgery is scheduled. In extreme cases, your doctor may also give you general anesthesia to make you unconscious during the surgery. This is generally not recommended because of the risk & side effects associated with general anesthesia. Depending on your specific needs, your dentist will perform one of the following:


Free gingival graft: In this, your doctor will remove a small portion of tissue from the roof of your mouth and suture(stitch) it to the area needing gum tissue. The free gingival graft is beneficial for patients whose gums are thin and require prevention from further recession.


Connective tissue graft: It is the most common graft used to treat the exposed root. A small flap is unfolded in the roof of your mouth and a piece of connective tissue is removed from the top layer of tissue. The doctor stitched this tissue to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root.


Pedicle Graft: During this procedure, instead of taking the tissue from the palate, it is grafted from the tooth that needs repair. The doctor creates a flap(pedicle) of tissue next to the gum recession to cover it using the flap.


Connect with Dr Kathuria’s Dentistry


We at Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry pride ourselves on successful gum grafting surgery to restore your stunning smile. So, if you are suffering from receding gum, get associated with the best gum surgery clinic in south Delhi. Call now at our all-India toll-free number, 1800-11-7272, to book your appointment with our experts today.

Popular Ways For Replacing a Missing Tooth

Popular ways for replacing a missing tooth.

Nowadays many people across the world lose a tooth or two on a daily basis due to bad oral habits. Some of these are lost as a result of an accident, some need to be pulled and then there are those who chip their teeth so badly that they are left with a piece of the jagged tooth on display. Luckily thanks to advancements in dentistry, there are choices available to replace missing teeth, whether you have one or more missing. 


There are some different popular options for replacing a missing tooth.


Dental implants


Dental implants are a really popular option for replacing missing teeth. You can replace a whole lot of teeth by using implants. You do not have to suffer from dentures in the name of tooth replacement. These are a good option only if you are not eligible for dental implantation. However, dentures can cause even more damage if they are used for extended periods. You just need to visit the top dental implant surgeon in Delhi to understand the best tooth replacement options that are available for you.

At their most basic level, dental implants are simply titanium posts that are shaped in the form of a tooth root. They are fastened onto the jawbone under the gum line surgically. Once installed, the dentist is then able to mount a replacement tooth or even a bridge in that region. Unlike dentures, implants do not come loose. To add to that, implants bring with their general oral health as they do not have to be anchored to the neighboring teeth like dental bridges are. Visit for the best dental implants in South Delhi.



Removable Dentures


If you are on a budget, removable dentures are also the most effective choice for you. Dentures are made from plastic or acrylic and match your natural teeth. They’ll be removed for improvement, and they are available for each full and partial set. Dentures might not look as natural as different choices, however, they’re cheap and sturdy.


Fixed Bridge


A fixed bridge could be a dental restoration that replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth. The bridge is connected to two implants that are ingrained into the jawbone on either facet of the missing tooth. The bridge fits over your natural teeth and is commanded in place by metal clasps or by bonding the factitious teeth to your natural teeth. It’s a permanent answer and might last for several years if properly cared for. 


Root Canal


If you cannot afford to exchange your missing tooth, or if you do not wish to travel through the effort of obtaining implants or a bridge, you’ll wish to think about a root canal. It’s a less costly choice than dental implants or bridges, and it is worn out after one visit. However, a root canal doesn’t replace the missing tooth for good and will be perennial every few years.




If you are missing solely one tooth, you’ll be able to get a flipper. A flipper could be a temporary replacement that consists of a plastic tooth connected to a metal frame. It’s removable and might be worn while you await your permanent replacement. Flippers don’t seem to be as sturdy as different choices, however, they’re cheap and straightforward to use.


Eligibility for Dental Implant


Anyone considering getting cosmetic dentistry should know that there are some criteria that will determine whether they are eligible or not. To start with, the person must have healthy gums and bones that will support the implant. When you have missing teeth, the bone tends to waste away. It starts with the teeth-supporting bone then the layer just below and eventually it goes to the jawbone proper. Without adequate bone, there will be no support for the implant. In such a case, the patient will require bone grafting.


If you are one of them, visit Dental Delhi, one of the best dental implants in South Delhi


Should I Go For Teeth Cleaning After Dental Implants?

dental Implants (1)

Dental implants must be cleaned and cared for in order to maintain their overall appearance. Failure to properly care for your dental implants can lead to peri-implantitis, which is an inflammatory condition affecting the soft and hard tissues around the implants. Peri-implantitis, if left untreated, can result in the loss of bone and the dental implant. Cleaning your dental implants on a regular basis, on the other hand, can help you avoid peri-implantitis and keep your smile bright, healthy, and appealing for the coming years. So, this is the right time to look for a top dental implant surgeon in India to ensure you get your charming smile back.

Complications of implants

Implants are usually associated with two major complications:

● Mucositis around the implant is referred to as peri-implant mucositis.
● Peri-implant mucositis with evidence of bone loss is referred to as peri-implantitis.

Peri-implant infection is reported in roughly 10-20% of persons who have had implant surgery, according to research. Implant implantation, restoration, and long-term maintenance are all straightforward ways to avoid infection.

Teeth cleaning after implants

Although calculus is only seen in a small percentage of instances, it is the most prevalent opponent of the implant, as it forms above the bone layer. After implants, cleaning is usually recommended, and our dentist advises his patients to practice proper oral hygiene. The area around the implant should be cleansed and polished on a regular basis. Although there are no contraindications to employing a metal instrument, vigorous scaling should be avoided.

Although some of the best dental implant surgeons in Delhi use plastic scalers, meticulous scaling with a sharp instrument produces better results. Implants will not be harmed if scaling is done correctly.

Flossing around the implants is a recommendation provided to patients, and they should have the dentist assess the occlusion if at all possible. Crossover interferences, working and balancing interferences, and reflecting contacts should all be eliminated as quickly as feasible.

Extra Tips for Prolonging the Life of Dental Implants

Although dental implants and overdentures are impervious to decay, your gums and supporting bone are susceptible to bacterial decay, inflammation, and infection if not properly cared for. Deep cleaning dental implants on a regular basis are also required to ensure that they last as long as possible.

Follow the given below guidance that can assist prolong the life of your dental implants:

● Visit your dentist on a regular basis for a thorough cleaning. Your dentist can certify that your implants and overdentures are operating properly and that you are maintaining good oral health with regular dental examinations and expert cleanings.
● Hot water should be avoided at all costs. Soaking your overdentures in hot or boiling water might cause them to distort.
● Chewing on hard objects should be avoided. Items like ice cubes, hard candies, and pencils might break your crowns or harm your dentures.
● Abrasive cleaning products should be avoided. Abrasive cleaning tools such as stiff or hard-bristled toothbrushes, baking soda, and harsh cleaners can irreversibly harm your dentures.
● One should avoid Bleach and chlorine-based cleaners. Bleach-based oral products can weaken and discolour dentures, whereas chlorine-based treatments can tarnish and corrode the metal portions of dentures and implants.

Being one of the top dental implant surgeons in India, Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry offers a wide range of oral treatments, including Cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and dentures, at affordable prices. Call us toll-free at 1800-11-7272 or fill out our contact form to learn more about our many services and treatment choices.